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Last update: 22/01/2024

There are various applications and services that a company may use for filing the Single Business communication depending on the type of company being registered.


Company type

Available applications

Sole trader company


Other market solutions

Shareholding partnerships


Other market solutions

Local branch or operating unit


Other market solutions


The following applications are only available in Italian.




It is a tool for preparing and sending the procedures for registration, variation and termination in the Register of Companies through the Single Communication. It is an online service, with guided compilation, which does not require any software installation.

It is used by companies, professionals and intermediaries.



ComUnica is the tool used to transmit and submit the Single Communication forms produced by the available software.


Other market solutions

Besides the above-mentioned software there are several different services and systems available on the commercial market for handling requests and applications to the Business Register. Many such systems have been developed by the producers of the major software suites for Business Management, Administration, Accounting and Office Automation.




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