Last update: 19/01/2024
In Italy, many entrepreneurs who want to set up a business and/or start a business contact advisors for all procedures with the relevant authorities.
They are assisted by qualified individuals who offer their service for a fee.
Is available for assistance a liste of the main subjects.
Professional subjects:
- Notaries (with particular reference to the establishment of companies with a legal form of company)
- Accountants (for setting up and running the business), the website of the National Council of Accountants and Tax advisor (CNDCEC) provides the references of all the local offices and publish the full list of accountants and experts qualified to practice the profession.
Trade associations
Trade associations represent and protect the interests of specific groups. These are mainly large organisations, organised in local bodies where assistance activities are also carried out.
The list of the main associations of national dimension is as follows:
- Confindustria - General Confederation for Italian Industry for the categories of manufacturing and service enterprises.
- Confapi - Italian Confederation small and medium-sized private industry for the category of small and medium-sized industry (in italian)
- Confartigianato - for the category of craftsmen and small entrepreneurs
- CNA / National Confederation of Crafts and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises for the categories of craftsmen and traders; small and micro enterprises in tourism, services and industry; for professionals and self-employed workers
- Confcommercio Italian General Confederation of Enterprises, Professional Activities and Self-employment (in italian)
- Confesercenti for the category of small and medium-sized enterprises in commerce, tourism, services, crafts and industry (in italian)
- Confagricoltura - General Confederation of Agriculture, for the category of agricultural holdings
- Coldiretti - Farmers' Organisation for the category of agricultural enterprises (in italian)
- Cia – Italian Confederation of Farmers, for the category of agricultural enterprises (in italian)
The agencies are private entities authorised to carry out preparatory and certifying duties in procedure administrative procedures for the verification of legal requirements for the implementation, transformation, the transfer and cessation of the production of goods and services in the form of private undertaking. The agencies carry out their activities after being accredited by the Ministry of Business and made in Italy. The list of accredited agencies is on the website (in italian)