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Frequently asked questions about doing business in Italy Frequently asked questions about doing business in Italy


Q: What procedures / obligations must a Swiss craftsman (carpenter) carry out to work temporarily (time needed to redo a roof) in Italy? Can it be considered as service provision on a temporary basis? Is the recognition of the professional qualification (installer) necessary?

A: The profession of plant engineer  (installer) is that relating to the installation of systems inside buildings governed by the Ministerial Decree 22 January 2008, n. 37, subject to the application of the prior declaration procedure to the competent authority, which is the Ministry of Economic Development:

The case in question would rather seem to concern the carrying out of construction activities not subject to the possession of a professional qualification (bricklayer and carpenter):

In the case of occasional and temporary work, the workers who carry out the activity in Italy remain subject to the social security system of the state in which the employer is established.
The company that posts workers to Italy is required to send a prior notice of posting electronically within 24 hours of the day before the start of the posting period:
To proceed with the transmission of the posting notice, you can refer to the following website: