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Last update: 12/10/2023

The exercise of service activities is mainly carried out as in the  form of a business.

Entities wishing to establish in Italy in order to carry out a service activity will have to set up a business and start their own business as indicated in the sections: Setting up a business - and Start a business - SUAP

Alternatively, the company or service provider legally established in a Member State of the European Union may carry out temporary and occasional cross-border activity without restriction on the basis of the requirements of the country of establishment. 

There is no need for registration in the Business Register, that is no obligation  is required to establish a branch office.

Whether the service is provided in a fixed or itinerant way, it is always necessary to contact the SUAP of the municipality in which the activity will be carried out in order to receive information on any preliminary steps to be carried out with the competent local authority.

For many service activities, the possession of specific professional requirements is essential.

To find the list of such activities and to obtain all the information relating to the right of establishment or the temporary provision, please read the section Services which require a professional qualification.

Regulatory references (in Italian)

• Law July 30, 2010, n. 122 Conversion into law, with amendments, of the law-decree of 31 May 2010, n. 78, containing urgent measures on financial stabilization and economic competitiveness
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